Paid Social Strategies to Grow Your Customer Base
Agile and Data-Driven
Paid social media is a way to display adverts or other sponsored content via social media platforms.
Our Approach
Look-a-like Prospecting
We employ your CRM data to reach the audiences with a high affinity for your products and services.
Demo+Interest Prospecting
We identify the demographic and psychographic profiles of people with a high likelihood of considering and purchasing from you.
Segmented Retargeting
We craft messaging that resonates with people at every level of your sales funnel, from people who simply liked an ad all the way down to people who’ve purchased from you in the past.
Dynamic Retargeting
Creating retargeting ad campaigns that are dynamically segmented in any number of social filters, so that the most accurate and effective creative can be delivered to the perfect audiences.
Successful Facebook advertising campaigns start with intelligent and strategic segmentation. With millions of dollars of monthly Facebook advertising spend, we employ tried and true segmentation strategies that help us win in saturated markets.
Once your ads are ready to go, our deployment process is never a set-it-and-forget-it type of arrangement. Each individual ad and group is closely watched to ensure that our strategies play out exactly as planned.
Great conversion rates are not only based on ad targeting strategies; they are also based on how captivating the ads are themselves. Our team looks at the entire process and creates ad groups that not only target the most likely audiences, but also speak the language that resonates with your target audiences.
Perfection is a continual goal and rarely struck upon the first attempt. So while campaigns may look like they are performing well, we never settle on just "good enough". Our team continually monitors your ad campaigns and modifies them as needed to ensure that we take full advantage of opportunities to improve.
Contact us.